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 10 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Master of the Orpheus Legend"Advanced Search
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Mars and Venus, fourth quarter 15th century. Creator: Master of the Orpheus Legend.
Apollo and Daphne. Creator: Master of the Orpheus Legend.
Orpheus Playing to the Animals, fourth quarter 15th century. Creator: Master of the Orpheus Legend.
Aeneas Descending to the Underworld, fourth quarter 15th century. Creator: Master of the Orpheus Legend.
Meleager and Atalante, fourth quarter 15th century. Creator: Master of the Orpheus Legend.
The Sacrifice of Iphigenia, fourth quarter 15th century. Creator: Master of the Orpheus Legend.
The Sacrifice of a Bull, fourth quarter 15th century. Creator: Master of the Orpheus Legend.
Orpheus and Eurydice Before Pluto and Proserpine, fourth quarter 15th century. Creator: Master of the Orpheus Legend.
Meleager Hunting the Calydonian Boar, fourth quarter 15th century. Creator: Master of the Orpheus Legend.
The Death of Orpheus, fourth quarter 15th century. Creator: Master of the Orpheus Legend.